Our partnersCreated by and for the municipalities in Loire, SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire is above all a system of sharing resources to serve all the Loire’s local authorities. The syndicate’s remit covers a variety of competences, mandatory and optional, entrusted to it by the municipalities. To carry out its activities, SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire works with numerous partners to whom it also provides support.OUR NETWORKNATIONAL FEDERATION OF PUBLIC CONTRACTING AUTHORITIESThe Fédération nationale des collectivités concédantes et régies (FNCCR) (national federation of public contracting authorities) is a non-profit organisation that was created in 1934 and now counts over 800 members. Its members include territorial authorities and their public establishments in charge of organising and/or running certain public services, which are grouped into three main areas: energy, water, digital.TERRITOIRE D'ÉNERGIE AUVERGNE-RHÔNE-ALPESAt regional level, SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire works closely with its counterparts in other departments as part of the Territoire d’énergie Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes energy territory).The energy syndicates in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region :Ain : SIEAAllier : SDE03-Territoire d’énergie AllierArdèche : SDE07Cantal : SDE15Drôme : Territoire d’énergie Drôme-SDEDHaute-Savoie : SYANEIsère : SEDI-Territoire d’énergie IsèreLoire : SIEL-Territoire d’énergie LoirePuy-de-Dôme : SIEG63-Territoire d’énergie Puy-de-DômeRhône (Agglomération lyonnaise) : SigerlyRhône : SYDER-Territoire d’énergie RhôneSavoie : SDES-Territoire d’énergie SavoieOur local partnersLOCAL ENERGY AND CLIMATE AGENCYThe Agence Locale de l’Énergie et du Climat (Loire Department Local Energy and Climate Agency, ALEC42) was created in 2005 by SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire to meet the need for advice from companies and housing associations.FRENCH MAYOR'S ASSOCIATION - LOIREThe Association des Maires de France (French Mayors’ Association) works with mayors and presidents of inter-municipal bodies.FRENCH RURAL MAYORS' ASSOCIATIONCreated in 1971, the ’Association des maires ruraux de France (French Rural Mayors’ Association, AMRF) has over 10,000 members who are independent mayors of rural municipalities, not affiliated with any political parties.In an organisation with a particularly strong identity, the AMRF members speak for rural municipalities and defend their specific interests.The AMRF is very representative of its base and highly active, and has become to the go-to body for public authorities and large national operators.APIEU MILLE-FEUILLESAPIEU Mille Feuilles (the Permanent Urban Environment Initiation Workshop), a non-profit body created in 1984, whose main focus is urban environmental and sustainable development education. It is accredited by the Education Ministry and is a member of the national Citéphile network and Graine Rhône-Alpes.INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTThe Centre International de Ressources et d’Innovation pour le Développement Durable (International Centre for Research and Innovation on Sustainable Development, CIRIDD), a non-profit body created in 2005 and recognised as a “public interest organisation” aims to contribute to the emergence of new societal models that are more respectful of living beings in all their diversity, future generations and the planet. The CIRIDD promotes and works to achieve a change to more sustainable development, based on cooperation with organisations, local regions and sectors of the economy. Innovation and the right to experiment are the CIRIDD’s watchwords. It organises its activities at different territorial levels from local to international.LOIRE DEPARTMENTAL COUNCILThe Conseil Départemental de la Loire (Loire Departmental Council) is a special partner of SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire, working with it at Departmental level on subjects such as energy poverty, network fading and the development superfast broadband. Loire Departmental Council has been a member of SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire since 2001.LOIRE DEPARTMENTAL COUNCILhttps://cdg42.fr/DEPARTMENTAL EDUCATION DIRECTORATEThe Direction des services départementaux de l’éducation nationale Loire (Departmental Education Directorate, DSDEN 42) oversees and implements the Ministry of Education’s education policy on behalf of the government.ENEDISSIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire monitors the activities of the concession holder Enedis that operates the electricity distribution network owned by the syndicate.Enedis (formerly ERDF) is the subsidiary of the national electricity company EDF which is in charge of the public electricity distribution service.FIBOIS 42Fibois 42 is a Departmental association of professionals who have joined together to develop the wood sector in Loire. Created in 1982, under the name Inter Forêt-Bois 42, with the support of the Conseil général (predecessor of the Departmental Council), today it has 150 members: professionals working at every sector of the wood industry, but also partners like training institutions, local authorities and voluntary bodies. FRANCE NATURE ENVIRONNEMENT LOIREFrance Nature Environnement Loire (FNE) works to protect the fauna and flora, natural habitats and the environment :To advance knowledge and the preservation and enhancement of our region’s natural environments through scientific monitoring and the conducting of inventories of fauna and flora.To restore ecosystems to maintain biodiversity, by rehabilitating and managing natural sites and creating interpretation trails.GRDF (GAS DISTRIBUTION)SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire monitors the activities of the concession holder GRDF that operates the gas distribution network owned by the syndicate.GRDF (Gaz Réseau Distribution France) is the subsidiary of Engie in charge of the public gas distribution service.LIGUE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT DE LA LOIREhttps://www.laligue42.org/PILAT REGIONAL NATURE PARKThe Parc naturel régional du Pilat (Le Pilat Regional Nature Park) is run by a syndicate of local authorities made up of 47 municipalities, 5 inter-municipal bodies, 17 gateway towns, 2 Departments and 1 regional authority who, in conjunction with the State, work together to protect and enhance this territory.PREFECTURE OF THE LOIREhttps://www.loire.gouv.fr/THD42 EXPLOITATIONA subsidiary of Axione Infrastructures, a joint venture between Axione, Mirova and the Caisse des Dépôts, THD42 Exploitation is SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire’s delegatee for the technical and commercial operation of the THD42 public fibre optic network.Our regional partnersAUVERGNE-RHONE-ALPES ENERGIE ENVIRONNEMENTSIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire also works with Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Énergie Environnement, the regional energy agency, in particular on the Observatoire Régional des Émissions de gaz à Effet de Serre (Regional observatory of greenhouse gas emissions, Oreges).AUVERGNE-RHÔNE-ALPES REGIONThe Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is one of SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire’s main partners for all energy-related operations.TENERRDIShttps://www.tenerrdis.fr/Our national partnersADEME (ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY AGENCY)The ADEME (energy agency) is one of SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire’s main partners for all energy-related operations.ANCThttps://agence-cohesion-territoires.gouv.fr/ARCEPhttps://www.arcep.fr/ FRENCH LIGHTING ASSOCIATIONThe Association française de l’éclairage (AFE) (French Lighting Association) was founded in 1930 due to the considerable development of lighting science and its market. Collaboration between specialists in different and very diverse branches (including doctors, scientists) has been necessary for the good of users. This is the AFE’s main mission : to study and make the best practices in lighting accessible to all in order to guarantee respect for human needs. FRENCH ASSOCIATION OF TERRITORIAL ENGINEERSThe aims of the Association des Ingénieurs Territoriaux de France (AITF) (French Association of Territorial Engineers) are : to represent the profession, provide technical assistance to local authorities, galvanise and promote the profession and the necessary technical expertise of territorial authorities.ASSOCIATION OF URBAN HEATING NETWORK OWNERSWith over 900 members, the Association des Maîtres d’Ouvrages de Réseaux de Chaleur (AMORCE) (Association of Urban heating Network Owners) is the leading French network providing information, sharing experiences and supporting local authorities (municipalities, inter-municipal bodies, Departmental Councils, Regional Councils) and other local stakeholders (businesses, voluntary bodies, professional federations) in the energy transition field (energy management, fight against energy poverty, energy production and distribution, planning), territorial waste management (planning, prevention, collection, recovery and recycling, processing) and water management.TECHNICAL ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATIONThe aim of the Association Technique Énergie Environnement (ATEE) (Technical Energy and Environment Association) is to encourage better energy management in companies and local authorities and, more generally, to help energy users to find out what they can do to save and manage energy better, in order to contribute to the national effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, whilst improving their own cost-effectiveness.CLER - ENERGY TRANSITION NETWORKThe CLER – Réseau pour la transition énergétique (Energy Transition Network, formerly the Comité de liaison pour les énergies renouvelables (Renewable energy liaison committee)) is a French association, accredited in the environmental protection field, which was created in 984. Its aim is to promote renewable energies, energy management, and more widely, the energy transition.ENERGY REGULATION COMMISSIONSince it was created on 24 March 2000, the Commission de régulation de l’énergie (Energy Regulation Commission, CRE) has been keeping a close eye of the electricity and gas markets in France, for the benefit of end consumers and in line with energy policy objectives.CORIANCE GROUPhttps://groupe-coriance.fr/ÉNERGIES DEMAINhttps://energies-demain.com/EASY CHARGEhttps://www.easycharge-vinci.com/EASY CHARGEhttps://www.education.gouv.fr/SYNDICAT DES ÉNERGIES RENOUVELABLEShttps://www.syndicat-energies-renouvelables.fr/Our european partnersEUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANKhttps://www.eib.org/en/indexEUROPEAN COMMISSIONhttps://commission.europa.eu/index_en