Syndicate Committee

The SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire Syndicate Committee meets at a general assembly attended by all the syndicate delegates or their substitutes three times a year.

The Syndicate Committee is the main forum where delegates can express themselves and put forward proposals. The debate is open to the floor throughout the meeting, and questions can be asked in writing in advance.

The delegates are elected representatives (mayors, municipal, community or Departmental councillors) who decide on the direction of the SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire’s actions.
To deal with the day-to-day needs of the Syndicate (go-ahead to start work, investment, internal running of the organisation, etc.), the delegates entrust their decision-making powers to a Bureau.
The Bureau’s decisions are validated by the delegates at the Committee meetings.

Delegates vote according to the area of “competence”. For example, only councillors from the municipalities that are part of the street lighting “competence” can vote on matters relating to that area.

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