Electricity The municipalities, grouped into SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire, delegate to it the organisation of the public electricity distribution service. SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire is the owner of the electricity distribution networks in Loire, the management of which it entrusts to the concession holders, ENEDIS, under the conditions laid down in the one concession contract. SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire ensures their commitments under this contract. A number of SIEL-Territoire d'énergie Loire officers are in charge of analysing and monitoring the concession holder’ activities day to day in order to guarantee the quality of the public service. ELECTRIFICATION WORK / NETWORK EXTENSIONS, CONNECTIONS, REINFORCEMENTS / UNDERGROUNDING SIEL-Territoire d’énergie carries out work to modernise, make safe and develop energy distribution networks (low and medium voltage), especially in rural areas. SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire takes care of undergrounding power lines.