Educational initiatives

The "Ecoloustics" competition

At the request of the members of the Public Services Advisory Committee (consumer associations, chamber of commerce and similar, public bodies, etc.), SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire since 2008 has put a lot of work into raising awareness in schools.

Every year, teachers and their pupils (signed up for the competition) work on the theme of energy and the energy transition by creating a comic strip, a newspaper, a video...

Collège Saint-Firmin Firminy 6ème B (2)

Collège Saint-Firmin Firminy 6ème B (2)

BD Asterix 3

BD Asterix 3

Travelling exhibition on energy : free classroom activity

The classes benefit, to help them with their preparation, from a free classroom activity run by a qualified instructor.

This activity focuses on several themes :

– Fossil energy resources and the different renewable energy resources.

– Everyday eco-habits.

– Why do we convert primary energy ?

– The different stakeholders and their roles: from producer to consumer.

Children’s awareness of the issues around energy is therefore raised with the aim of making them active and responsible.

Also, each year, 30 classes per district benefit of this travelling exhibition with a instructor.