SIEL-Territoire d’energie Loire

SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire is a Departmental level inter-municipal cooperation body of the type known as an EPCI. It is a “syndicat mixte” or syndicate of local authorities, whose members are the (323) municipalities and inter-municipal bodies in the Loire Department as well as the Departmental authority itself. The Syndicate Committee (comité syndical) is made up of 350 local elected representatives, making it Loire’s largest deliberative assembly. SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire was set up in 1950 and from the outset, its remit was the electrification of the area it covered, rural areas in particular.

It is the owner of the electricity and gas distribution networks in its area of intervention, and as such monitors the activities of the concession holders, Enedis and GRDF. SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire carries out extension, reinforcement and undergrounding work on those networks.

It is a leading player driving the local energy transition, supporting local authorities to improve the energy efficiency of their public buildings. It develops renewable energies by acting as the contracting authority for photovoltaic power stations and wood energy urban heating networks. Its expertise also covers energy system regulation and control solutions.

The pooling of resources and inter-municipal solidarity are core to all that it does. SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire may also support the projects of all its member local authorities, modulating its aid according to their means. Its staff of 160 provide precious support for the local authorities on many technical subjects.

The inter-municipal syndicate also manages 110,000 street lighting points, striving to combine energy efficiency and environmental quality in its facilities.

Finally, SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire is responsible for the creation of the Department’s superfast broadband network, known as THD42. This public fibre optic cable network is the only one of its kind in France and will serve 190,000 households and businesses by 2020.

SIEL-Territoire d’énergie Loire is currently developing intelligent, connected solutions to manage the networks and energy installations.

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